Jocuri Printesa Toamnei

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Printesa Toamnei

Descriere: This princess someday fall, thought to come from the palace where he lives to go to a meeting shopping, then you will wear clothes and accessories used goods purchased. Also in his wardrobe of clothes you'll find a total of 12 dresses, very elegant for special occasions.You can choose how to sit her hair, as you wish, using a variety of hairstyles from the provided. Accesories pressing, you could go gloves to match the dresses, tiaras, necklaces and earrings. Shoes should also carefully chosen to match the dress. After the game is done, if you click the finish button you'll have the opportunity to admire the autumn pictures by clicking on the BG, background and if you really like how you set it on the princess you can print out your picture.
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Printesa Toamnei este un joc online care face parte din categoria Printese, este al 2783 joc de pe site-ul nostru si poate fi jucat in categoriile mai sus mentionate.
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